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wool felt pad for softseating folding paper stool

available in sizes that correspond to softseating fanning stool’s surface diameter, wool felt pad makes a lovely companion to the paper seats. The pads can also be used as cushions along a bench or floor, as a soft display surface, or as a bed for four-legged friends.

the thick, soft pads are made from 100% lambswool. Hypoallergenic, antibacterial, antimicrobial, thermally insulating, fire retardant, UV and water / spill-resistant; wool’s natural properties are varied—and even a little astonishing.

design by Stephanie Forsythe + Todd MacAllen

Wool Felt Pad for Softseating Fanning Paper Stool

a minimalist dog bed

approved by molo studio pups, Louie and Bear. The natural protein molecules in wool destroy odor-forming bacteria, and the waxy coating on the outer shaft of each fibre is water / stain-resistant.

contact us at +1 604 685 0340 or
for more information or to discuss a purchase
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