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design-wanted-molo Photo Credit: Alana Paterson

“why molo soft collection? To create a sustainable alternative building concept that foregoes rigidity and enables flexible use of space that can be reshaped for different uses over time”

covered for the first time by Milan’s Design Wanted, writer Nikaya Lewis provides a content rich review of molo. While much of the article touches on molo’s origins, influences and quintessential projects, Lewis hits a different note than others by making a value-based case for the soft collection.

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style & aesthetics – elegant and compelling soft forms that naturally patina

Lewis writes, “the soft collection is a marvellous meeting of beauty and functionality. It is compelling to see the simple materials transformed to snake across spaces and be endlessly rearranged.

the repeating accordion-like folds create an elegant lined texture that emphasizes the soft curved wall forms.”

in its essence, a central instinct in the soft collection is to 'mediate and transform spaces.' Continuous experimentation and iteration are a central part of molo’s hands-on design process, but that’s just the first part. molo clients take on the next part in design discovery during the act of everyday use.

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a form that fosters intimacy

while molo’s signature cantilever table is usually featured in it’s round table format, it can be flexibly reorganized to allow for natural social interaction, even in the era of physical distancing.

Lewis reflects, “This collection is a wonderful use of materials and extends space making possibilities.

the unconventional and yet familiar materiality creates a feeling of intimacy with the soft collection. Our previous experiences of the materials lacking rigidity heighten engagement, as the forms defy expectations.”

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read the entire article by Design Wanted here.
see more of our honeycomb paper furniture here.
see molo products in action around the world here.


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