professional photographers who shoot everything from products and fashions to pets and people often have their creativity handcuffed not by the subject but by the background. They (you) arrive at a retail space, event venue, facility, or studio to find an unsightly, uninspired, or chaotic milieu. This can compromise the integrity of the work as much as a scratch on a lens. You are often left with little recourse because it’s not like you can bring a backdrop with you as easily as a softbox or shoot-through umbrella, right?
not necessarily.
thanks to molo design studio, professional photographers and budding talents now have access to luxurious and adaptable backdrops that are as portable as they are striking to shoot. Mind you; we did not start with any intent to design professional photography backdrops. It was a natural evolution of our patented softwall + softblock space partitions.

available in paper, textile, aluminum-textile, and wood, our room dividers have been creatively used by clients who saw the unlimited potential of our spatial design innovations. From the moment our beloved creations have left the annals of our studio, they have served to create exquisite backgrounds for award ceremonies, TV shows, press events, product launches, art exhibits, fashion shows, theatrical productions, and more. As nominees collected their golden hardware and patrons celebrated the arts, media covering such affairs inadvertently uncovered this unanticipated application of softwall + softblock. To date, they are among the most sought-after backdrops for photo productions, but strictly by those in the know.
we encourage you to join these elite lensmen and lenswomen by making molo softwall + softblock a part of your equipment ensemble. The advantages of doing so are numerous.

for one, the geometric honeycomb design (paper, textile, and aluminum-textile options) or bonded sheets (wood) allow softwall + softblock to be shaped into an unlimited number of curved or linear formations. You can instantly transform the background of any space with the unfurling and positioning of softwall + softblock, which expand up to 15-feet in length.
featuring magnetic end panels, they can be connected to grow the width of your backdrop at the drop of a hat. If you need to conceal dead, distracting, or unattractive space overhead, you can stack softblock on one another until you achieve the desired effect. You may even use softblock to complement a product as an adjacent accompaniment. How dramatic the mise-en-scène is, is entirely up to you.

the design is innately beautiful to behold, but the added colour options call upon professional photographers to add more than one to their cache of equipment. Our paper product is available in brown, black, and blue. Meanwhile, our textile products are available in white, neutral white, warm white, black, and aluminum. The wood alternative wears the endemic hue from which it is naturally and sustainably sourced.
another functional advantage of softwall + softblock as a backdrop is the portability mentioned above. As quickly as each element is unveiled, it is equally compressed to the size of your portfolio binder. You can seamlessly move and transport it and store it in the trunk of your vehicle, in the corner of a closet, or tuck it under the table of your darkroom.

by making softwall + softbock a part of your photography gear, you add a value proposition on that prospective clients won’t find anywhere else. Explore the possibilities of these molo design innovations today:
paper softwall
textile softwall
paper softblock
textile softblock
textile softwall + softblock with LED
wood softwall + softblock
aluminum textile softwall + softblock